Tubular Heater and T-Stats

Band heaters, cast-in, cast-in platen, ceramic, cartridge, coil, circulation heaters and a digital or mechanical thermostat – there are many choices for commercial-use heaters. When charged with outlining the specifications and identifying the necessary features for a company’s next commercial electric heater system/units, it is good to know that putting together the right combination of product features is paramount to getting the most efficient and cost-effective product for a company’s energy budget.

Digital, residential and business mechanical thermostat

Both residential and commercial electric heater thermostats rely on a number of different types of sensors to measure temperature in order to regulate the setpoint temperature. (Heating or cooling systems use direct mechanized controls or electrical or pneumatic signals to do the actual temperature regulation.) Bi-metal mechanical thermostat sensors, electronic thermocouples and thermistors and expanding wax pellets are among the most common sensor types used in modern systems.

These days, digital thermostats are becoming more common in homes and the industry. These programmable units measure temperature with thermistors without the benefit (or the complications) of moving parts. Common features of the digital units include an LCD screen, a clock, temperature settings and even touchscreens on some models that are connected to a commercial electric heater.

Talk to a WATTCO™ representative for more information about all the different options in thermostats and heating elements. If involved in a large industrial heating project that requires specific features and high-volume ordering, go to our Contact Us page for contact information. Our representatives are available for commercial and industrial product-specific questions and have years of expertise in the field.