Mechanical Seals in Gas Heating

Gas Seal

Ruben Castelnuovo, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Keeping a heating system operating at peak performance requires all parts working properly. An important feature in this equation is ensuring that all the systems and joints have the right fit. These joining points prevent leaks and contain pressure, as well as preventing contamination inside the unit. If gaskets fail or are inadequate, they create weak points that reduce the overall efficiency and functionality of the gas heating system.

Mechanical seals improve compression and better control seals. With proper application and lubrication, they can significantly improve the functionality of a closed system.

Application in Gas Heating

Mechanical seals are frequently used in gas compressors and turboexpanders to contain process fluid. They are particularly useful where containing hazardous or corrosive products that could do damage to equipment or the environment.

Gas heating applications require precision heating to operate safely. This requires extremely accurate heaters and sensors to maintain the ideal temperature range. Mechanical seals help to ensure that the environment inside the heating system is operating as intended, helping to keep heating operations safe.

As well, since heated gases can expand rapidly, a leak or failure in joints has the potential to cause significant energy release. This can cause irreversible damage to equipment and presents a risk to personnel. Mechanical seals help to preserve the integrity of joints to reduce this risk.

Benefits of Mechanical Seals

In addition to superior seal quality, mechanical seals offer a host of important benefits.

Increase Life Span

Mechanical seals help to improve the service life span of gas heating applications. Their reliability helps to prevent damage and reduce strain on operating systems. In conjunction with regular heater maintenance, your heaters can keep working at peak efficiency for longer, reducing the expenses of repairing and replacing equipment.


Gas heating mechanical seals are constructed with precision machining. This makes them a perfect fit for the joints and connectors. As well, they are conditioned for the pressure, temperature, and contaminant stresses that the seal will face.

This conditioning helps to prevent the formation and freezing of liquid around the seal. Pressurized gas can cause rapid cooling of any liquids, which can cause freezing which damages seals, pipes, and connections.

Heating System Seals and Accessories

Wattco custom-manufactures electric industrial heating systems. Our team of experts design and recommend heaters, gaskets, seals, and accessories based on the specific needs of your process. High-quality parts and reliable performance have made Wattco a trusted manufacturer for processes like yours.

Contact Wattco today for electric heater quotes and information.


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