Using Industrial Immersion Water Heaters on Your Construction Site

Last updated on December 26th, 2024 at 12:41 pm

Industrial immersion water heaters are inserted directly into the storage tanks, vats of water or bins where you are storing your water depending on the setup.

Types on Immersion Water Heaters

These immersion heaters normally come in three or four varieties depending on how they will be used. There are flanged, screw plug, circulation, and over-the-side immersion water heating elements. The type of heater you use normally depends on the setup.

Flanged and screw plug water heaters are basically the same. Either choice uses a hairpin-bent tubular element that is either brazed or welded to the control elements and are fitted into the tank or heating chamber inside the tank.

Circulation water heaters are quite often referred to as “in line heaters” as those use a stainless steel immersion heater that is inside a pipe or “in line” and the water flows over it.

The over-the-side heater is just what it sounds like, an water heater that is fitted over the side of the tank or vat to heat the water inside. This method provides a system where the tank does not have to be breached and still leaves room in the tank for other applications.  

Frequent Uses

This article looks at three frequent uses of immersion water heaters, steam generation, storage tanks, and how to use them to your advantage on the construction site. Using the correct one for your project allows nearly 100 percent efficiency in heating your water to the right temperature for use.  

For Steam Generation

You may use these heaters for steam generation on your work site. The heater functions much better than other devices when utilized with the proper sensors, sheathing, or other controls. Water can be heated efficiently to the right temperature for the intended purpose without constant supervision. A temperature slightly above boiling, 212°F or 100°C may be all that is required for steam generation.

Steam generation can also be used for large industrial cleanup and sterilization projects. Whichever circulation water heater you choose may depend on the storage tank being used or the space available; however, be sure to keep extra heaters on-hand to preclude an interruption of work during scheduled maintenance or competing projects that may need the same tools or resources.  

Attaching to Storage Tanks

As stated previously, depending on the type of heater chosen the heater may be attached to the storage tank and controls used to regulate circulation, temperature range, and other factors for your project. Water can be heated to any level you choose and the water may be kept at that temperature for as long as it is needed.Flanged Immersion Water Heater

Temperature management for your device is normally done with the control panel on your heater. The better the storage tank is insulated the more efficiently the water may be kept at a constant temperature. The construction site might well depend on available hot water used for a variety of purposes.

Ensure that you have enough immersion heaters on the site to get work done. Just one heater is typically not enough on a large site. Heating salt water may require stainless steel tanks to prevent or minimize corrosion over long periods of time.  

General use  on Construction Sites

Selecting the right industrial immersion water heater that you believe matches the job you are doing with the controls and sensors required is paramount to successful job completion. The work site you maintain may require different amounts of water maintained at different temperatures for different purposes. In selecting the right heater for the current job, it is never one size fits all.

The water heaters you use must not be too large or too small to be efficient economically. Additionally, it may be necessary to utilize more than one water heater on site to save man-hours. It can be very frustrating to have workers standing around waiting for a tool that is being utilized for another purpose. It may be necessary to select multiple water heaters in differing sizes with different controls and sensors.

Ensuring each heater is available for each project on the site without over spending. Hot water is needed for many projects on construction sites, and you do not want to spend your time heating water through traditional means. An immersion heater works quickly and the temperature is easy to control. Call 1-800-4-WATTCO or request more information online if you have any questions pertaining to any aspect of using an immersion water heater or to purchase repair parts.


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